Sunday, December 29, 2019

Mary the Jewess, First Known Alchemist

Mary the Jewess (around 0-200 CE) was the first known alchemist in history. She lived in Eygpt and invented processes and apparatuses that were used for centuries after that. Her story became something of a legend in later Arabic and Christian writings. Life and History Occupation: Alchemist, inventor Also known as: Maria Hebraea, Maria Prophetissima, Maria Prophetissa, Maria the Hebrew, Miriam the Prophetess; Mariya the Sage; Mary the Prophetess (16th and 17th centuries) Early source: 4th-century alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis, who called her the sister of Moses Mary the Jewess and her alchemical contributions are documented by Zosimos of Panopolis in his text Peri kaminon kai organon (On Furnaces and Apparatuses), which may be itself based on a text by Mary. He also quotes her extensively in The Coloring of Precious Stones. According to Zosimus and later renderings of Marias writings, alchemy was like sexual reproduction, with different metals being male and female. She described the oxidation of metals and saw in that process the possibility of transforming base metals into gold. The saying credited to Mary the Jewess, Join the male and the female, and you will find what is sought, was used by Carl Jung. Later Writings About Mary the Jewess Variations on the story of Mary are told in sources after Zosimus. The church father Epiphanius, bishop of Salamis, mentions two writings by Mary the Jewess, Great Questions and Small Questions, where he credits her with a vision of Jesus. Marys story is also retold in Arabic writings where she is supposedly both a contemporary of Jesus (having carried the infant Jesus) and Ostanes, a Persian brother-in-law of Xerxes, who lived about 500 BCE. Legacy The name of Mary the Jewess survives in two terms used in chemistry. The water-bath, a term used for both a process and a device, is also called in Romance languages the bain-marie or baà ±o maria. The term is still used in cooking today. The bain-marie uses heat from water in a surrounding vessel to keep a consistent temperature, something like a double boiler. Marys black is also named for Mary the Jewess.  Marys black is a black sulfide coating on metal which is produced using the process of kerotakis. Mary the Jewess also invented and described the alchemical apparatus and process called the kerotakis and another apparatus called the tribokos. Bibliography Raphael Patai. The Jewish Alchemists: A History and Source Book. Mary the Jewess p. 60-80, and Zosimus on Maria the Jewess p. 81-93.Jack Lindsay. The Origins of Alchemy in Graeoc-Roman Egypt. 1970s.â€Å"Maria the Jewess: An Inventor of Alchemy.† ×”× ¡Ã— ¤Ã— ¨Ã—™×™×” ×”×Å"× Ã—•×ž×™× ª,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Phone On The Table - 1326 Words

The phone on the table began to ring. It said Carlos on the caller ID but it wasn’t his voice who answered. â€Å"Kevin? What are you doing? Why have you got Carlos phone?† â€Å"Carlos? Oh yeah, your scientist, I knew I recognised him, I m sorry Cecil this isn t exactly what I wanted to give you for Christmas† â€Å"Kevin, where s Carlos?† â€Å"He s dead† Cecil hung up, he couldn t deal with Kevin s lies at the moment, he had a show to do and if Kevin wasn t going to put Carlos on the phone he wasn t going to bother trying, they could talk later. He put his phone on silent and began the show. He read from the sheet in front of him in his usual monotone voice, not thinking of anything in particular, the news wasn t very interesting today. When he finally switched to the weather, Cecil checked his phone once again. Four new texts from Carlos Kevin: â€Å"Cecil? I think my phone cut you off† â€Å"I m not lying Cecil, why would I lie to you?† â€Å"Cecil answer your phone!!!!!!† â€Å"The body s gone†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He didn’t believe him, obviously, but the last one struck him as odd, why would Kevin say something like that? It doesn’t make his story any more believable. It just didn’t make any sense. But then again Kevin had never really made any sense to him. He put it out of his mind. Kevin didn’t text him again, and there was no message from Carlos either. Cecil was only a little worried, his silence was always scary but there could be tons of reasons for it, it had happened before. They had gone 7 daysShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Cell Phone On College Students Interaction At Dining Table1641 Words   |  7 Pagesinteraction. My observation on college students using cell phone at dining hall has raised my question of how does cell phone influences people’s interaction at dinner table. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Paul marcartny Free Essays

The Paul Mccartney conspiracy theory In October of 1969, three weeks after The Beatles Abbey Road album was released, wknr-FM ‘s Russ Gibb took a call from a man who identified himself as Tom who told the deejay and all the listener’s about carefully hidden clues in The Beatles songs and album art which he claimed that they indicated Paul Mccartney had died on 9th November 1966 in a car accident soon millions of people started to tell people about other evidence they have discovered which proved Paul is dead was this a prank set up by John Lemmon or was Paul really dead ? The accident During the early-morning hours of November 9, 1966, while driving to a friend’s house, Paul picked up a female hitchhiker who couldn’t control her excitement when she realized who picked her up. As a result she tried to hug Paul, causing him to lose control of his Aston Martin. It smashed into a stone fence and burst into flames, killing them both. We will write a custom essay sample on Paul marcartny or any similar topic only for you Order Now Paul was decapitated and burnt to a crisp, making a positive ID difficult. Despite no evidence to support either the story of the fatal crash or of a cover-up, the rumours persisted that Paul was dead. The need for a cover up The reason for the cover up was simple since the Beatles were one of the major money incomes for Britain if they broke up or the fans did not like the band since Paul was dead Britain will lose one of its most financial incomes of the time. The cover up In order to cover up Paul’s death the band would need a Paul lookalike it is said the person chosen to be this Paul lookalike was William shears Campbell the winner of a McCartney lookalike contest. Evidence Here is some of the evidence which support’s the claim of Paul death. 1 . The cover of the album, Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (the album the band were working on when Paul died), has multiple indications that Paul McCartney may not have survived. The Beatles, wearing their new hippy outfits stand in the middle of the cover overlooking what appears to be a flower-covered grave. To their right are wax mannequins†borrowed from Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum†of the younger Beatles sadly looking down toward the â€Å"grave. † 2. The drumhead in the centre of the cover that says â€Å"Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band† may be the most deliberate clue of all. When you hold a straight-edge mirror perpendicular to the canter of the drum, in the middle of the words â€Å"Lonely Hearts,† the reflection reads, I ONE IX HE DIE (â€Å"One one nine he die,† or November 9 he die). The diamond points to McCartney. the doll’s right leg sits a toy Aston Martin (the type of car that Paul drove) and at its left side is a bloody driving glove. 4. With the group dressed up for another album cover with Pau is I dressed as a walrus. Allegedly, in the Nordic-Viking culture, the walrus is a symbol of death. 5. Let It Be was the second-to-last Beatles album to be recorded, but the last to be eleased. On the cover, Paul is the only Beatle whose face is partially obscured (by a microphone). He is also the only one not photographed in profile and with a white background. Paul’s background is blood red. 5. The abbey road album cover is probably one the only album cover which the most evidence to support Pauls death. 1 . John Lennon leads in a white suit and symbolises the preacher; Ringo Starr is the mourner, dressed in black; George Harrison, in scruffy shirt and trousers, denotes the grave-digger; Paul is wearing an old suit and is the only one who is barefoot. Paul McCartney is left-handed, but here holds his cigarette in his right hand. At the time, cigarettes were commonly referred to as ‘coffin nails’. This, therefore, could be seen as a message that Paul’s ‘coffin lid’ had been nailed down and that the man in the picture was a lookalike. Paul is also out of step with the other band members. Each of the others has his left leg forward, bu t Paul has his right leg forward – again marking him out as different. 3. The white Beetle in the background has the registration LMW 281F – 28 being he age conspiracy theorists say Paul would have been IF he hadn’t ‘died’, It has also been suggested that the LMW stands for ‘Linda McCartney Weeps’ – referring to his new wife whom he had married earlier that year. 4. In the background, a small group of people dressed in white stand on one side of the road, while a lone person stands on the other side. 5. on the right-hand side of the road is a black police Van, believed to be a reference to the police who kept quiet about Paul’s ‘death’ 6. How to cite Paul marcartny, Papers