Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Lawrence Kohlbergs Theory Essay - 550 Words

Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory (Essay Sample) Content: Lawrence Kohlberg's TheoryNameInstitutionLawrence Kohlberg's TheoryTheory of Moral DevelopmentKohlberg's theory deals with the moral development of individuals. Jean Piaget originally conceived Lawrence Kohlberg's moral development theory. The theory recognizes moral reasoning as the basis of ethical behavior of individuals (Berk, 2006). Kohlberg argued that moral development changes involve cognitive ability than the changes in the self. He argued that the development of both logic and morality follows constructive stages in life.In Berk (2006) Kohlberg's theory consists of three moral stages i.e. Pre-conventional reasoning, Conventional reasoning and Post-conventional reasoning. Each of these stages has two levels of development that explains the moral development of a child. It decribes how moral behaviors affect the life of a growing child.Limitations of Kohlberg's theoryOne limitation of the Kohlberg's theory is more emphatic on justice than other values. It doe s not address the ideas and thoughts of those who recognizes other moral aspects of life. Kohlberg's theory focuses on empirical research that involved only male children. It does not concentrate on the concerns of the women. He argued that women get stuck at level three to concentrate on relationship issues. The theory is therefore biased against the women. It does not consider the differences between women and men (Berk, 2006). He argued that women are likely to base their arguments for moral dilemmas based on concepts like caring and interpersonal relationships.In addition, Kohlberg demonstrates inconsistency in childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s daily moral judgments. Inconsistency of judgments happens in moral dilemmas that involve drinking and business situations where personal interests drive individuals. Kohlberg's theory is incompatible with the lack of consistency in moral reasoning (Berk, 2006). The theory needs modification to appreciate the role of moral reasoning and development in the integration of ethical dilemmas.Moral development should not depend on the judgment about social norms and concepts that promote justice(Berk, 2006). It should focus on the nature of individuals, their interests, and human love. Kohlberg's theory lacks these virtues that are the basis of moral development.Integration of moral judgment allows the inconsistency in individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s moral reasoning and decision-making. Individuals may be unable to consider other life perspectives. The theory lacks conflicting findings from the research Kohlberg carried (Berk, 2006). Therefore, the theory cannot explain conclusively moral decisions of individuals in their lives.According to Berk (2006) the individual's moral behavior may be completely opposite of what he/she says reasons. Therefore, there is no guarantee about the certainty of compatibility between the individualsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ intelligence with their level of moral behavior. Instead of focusing on moral reasoni...

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